An Introduction to Goat Farming

In our Agriculture for Everybody blog series, we are going to see Goat Farming.

In this blog, we will see the important aspects of Goat Farming targeting the meat production.  The entire blog will be presented in a Question & Answer format.  While it will be beneficial for the first time user to read the entire blog, the frequent users of this blog can just focus on their specific needs.

The entire focus of this blog is towards the traditional or indigenous or desi or local breeds.
  1. How many goats can be fed using 1 Acre?
    • Generally, on an average 20-25 goats can be grown using feed from 1 Acre of land
  2. When should the goats be brought into the farm?
    • The farm should have planted grasses, trees etc 1 year before the first goat enters the farm.  This is applicable only to those farm where the grazing does not happen outside the farm
  3. What are the feeds that goats eat?
    • Generally goats eat anything and everything
  4. What are the feeds that are dangerous to the goats?
    • Nerium Oleander (Arali)
    • Puscilla spp
    • Lantana Camara (Unni Chedi)
    • Ipomea Carnea (Neyveli kattamanakku)
  5. How much to feed per day?
    • Option 1
      • Fresh Grass & Fresh Fodder - 3 Kgs
      • Dry Grass & Dry Fodder ----- 300 Grams
      • Concentrate -------------------- 250 Grams
    • Option 2
      • 4-5% of body weight
  6. What is the ratio of the feeds?
    • As a thumb rule 2/3rds of the energy requirements should be met through roughages. Half of the roughages should be leguminous green fodders and rest half should be grasses/tender tree leaves
  7. How many times to feed in a day?
    • Feeding needs to be provided 3-5 times a day
    • What is the % of expenses that goes towards feed?
      • 75% of the expenses goes towards feeding the goats
    • How much water is required per goat?
      • Goats require 3 litres of water per day or 4 times their feed intake in relation to dry matter
    • What is the average Male:Female ratio?
      • 1 (M):20-25 (F) is the average ratio
    • What is the parameter for buying a goat?
      • A female goat which produces more kids than the average in a single delivery is always better
      • A male goat which has fathered and delivered more kids than the average in a single delivery is always better
    • How much manure does a goat produce in a year?
      • On an average, 0.3 to 0.7 tonne manure is produced by a goat in a year
      • 2 Goats manure (including the urine) is good enough for 1 Acre for a year
    • What is the average weight of a fully grown goat?
      • Generally, the average weight will be 25 kgs
    • How long should we keep a new goat separately before it can be introduced with other goats?
      • New Goats should be kept under observation for about 15 days and then only should be allowed to mingle with other goats in the farm
    • How long a goat can be kept in the farm?
      • A goat can be kept for up to 10 years
    • What is the age for attainment of  puberty?
      • The female goats will reach puberty in 10 to 12 months age
      • The male goats will reach puberty in 12 to 14 months age
    • When should the first mating be allowed in a Male Goat?
      • The first mating should happen during 12 to 14 months.  It would be even better if they are allowed to mate only after 2 years
    • What is the right age for castrating Male Kids?
      • Castrating of Male Kids should be done within 1 month of their birth
    • When to retire the male goat?
      • Male Goats should be retired each year
    • What is the maximum age for a Male Goat to be used for service?
      • 6-8 Years of age is the maximum age a male goat can be used for service
    • What is the average age of Male Goats and how many Female Goats can they service?
      • A Male Goat of 6 Months can service 5-6 Female Goats
      • A Male Goat of 18-24 Months can service 25-30 Female Goats
      • A Male Goat of age beyond 24 Months can service 50-60 Female Goats
    • What is the ratio of Female Goats to be maintained?
      • Option 1
        • 75% - 1.5 to 2 Years of age
        • 20% - 2 to 4 Years of age
        • 5% - 4 to 6 Years of age
      • Option 2
        • 1:2 ratio meaning 1 mother and 2 kids
          • For ex., you should keep 20 kids for 10 female goats.  This way, the ratio can be maintained after every delivery assuming the average is 2 kids per delivery
    • What is the best age for procuring a goat for growing or breeding purposes?
      • The best age a goat to be bought is 1.5-2 years
    • When should the first mating be allowed in a Female Goat?
      • The first mating should happen during 10 to 12 months.  It would be even better if they are allowed to mate only after 1 year
    • When is the first delivery expected?
      • The first delivery can be expected in 15 to 20 months
    • What is the best age for procuring a goat for growing or breeding purposes?
      • The best age a goat to be bought is 1.5-2 years
    • When is the first delivery expected?
      • The first delivery can be expected in 15 to 20 months
    • What is the pregnancy time?
      • The pregnancy period is usually between 145-156 days
    • How much time is preferred between pregnancies?
      • 34-99 days is the time gap required after birth
    • When to retire the female goat?
      • After the 6th Year, the female goats can be retired
    • What is the yield per pregnancy?
      •  On an average, 1 to 2 kids can be expected per pregnancy.  Sometimes, it may be 3 to 4 kids also.
    • How long should the kid be allowed to drink milk?
      • The Kids should be allowed to drink milk for 2-3 months.  The kids will start eating grass from the 21st day onwards
    • What are the indigenous breed varieties of goats of Tamilnadu?
      • Kanni Adu
      • Kodi Adu
      • Moolai Adu
      • Pallai Adu
      • Salem Karupu Adu
    • What are the indigenous breed varieties of goats of India?
    • What to sell?
      • Female or Male Kids can be sold after 3 months for growing purposes
      • Female Goats should be sold after 6 years of age or after 10 pregnancies
      • Male Kids can be sold just before the next delivery or 8-9 months of age and above
      • Adult Male Goats should be sold after keeping 1-1.5 year in the farm
    • When to sell?
      • Should plan to grow in such a manner to sell them during religious festivals like Deepavali, Bakrid etc will fetch handsome returns
    • What basis to sell?
      • Goats to be sold on Live Weight basis for meat purposes for better returns
      • Goats to be sold at 3/4 of market rate
        • If the market rate is 400 Rs, the farmer can sell at 300 Rs leaving a margin of 33.33% to the buyer
      • Goats to be sold on Live Weight basis for growing purposes on par with the market rate or even 25% above the market rate
    • Misc
      • Male goats to be kept separately from the herd as they normally stinks a lot
      • Male goats kids and Female goats kids to be separated by the 4th month
      • Kids to be separated from their mother after the 3rd month
      • The fastest weight gain happens during the first 3-6 months of age
      • Pregnant goats to be kept separately and not be allowed for roaming before 2 weeks of delivery
    • What are the important appliances required?
      • Feeders
      • Water Troughs
      • Weighing Machine
      • Chaff Cutter
      • Burdizzo
    • How much space is required for goats?
    • Age groups
      Covered space (sq.m)
      Open space (sq.m)
      Up to 3 months
      3 months to 6 months
      6 months to 12 months
      Adult animal
      Male, Pregnant or lactating ewe / doe
      3.0- 4.0

      1. What are the diseases that occur commonly in goats?
          • Goats are hardy animals and they are usually disease free.  But it is generally accepted to vaccinate them for reducing the economic loss
          • What are the vaccination schedule?
            S.No.Name of DiseaseFirst VaccinationNext VaccinationVaccineDosageImmunityTime of Vaccination
            1AnthraxAt the age of 6 month for kid or lambOnce Annually (In Affected area only)Anthrax Spore Vaccine1 ml S/C1 YearMay-June
            2Black Quarter(BQ)3 months of ageOnce Annually(Before monsoon)BQ Vaccine5 ml S/C6 month & 1 YearMay-June
            3Contagious Caprine Pleuro Pneumonia (CCPP)At the age of 3 month & above for Kid or lambOnce Annually(January month)IVRI Vaccine0.2 ml S/C1 Year--
            4Enterotoxaemia (E.T)At the age of 4 month for kid or lamb (If dam is vaccinated) At the age of 1st week for kid or lamb (If dam is not vaccinated)Before monsoon (Preferably in May) Booster vaccination after 15 days of first vaccinationET Vaccine5 ml S/C1 YearMay-June
            5Foot & mouth disease (FMD)At the age of 4 month for kid or lamb & aboveTwice in a year (September & March)Polyvalent FMD vaccine3 ml S/C1 YearFeb & Dec
            6Goat PoxAt the age of 3 month & above for KidOnce Annually(December month)
            7Haemorrhagic Septicemia (HS)At the age of 6 month for kid or lambOnce Annually Before monsoonHS Vaccine5 ml S/C6 month & 1 YearMay-June
            8Peste des petitis ruminants (PPR)3 months of ageOnce AnnuallyPPR Vaccine1 ml S/C1 Year
            9Sheep Pox3 months of ageYearly Once Adult - 5 ml S/c
            Kids - 2.5 ml S/c
            10TetanusAt the age of 3-4 monthsrepeat at 6 months and then annually0.5 - 1 ml s/c or i/m


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