Don't like Studying? Try EduRev


If you already love all your teachers, all your coaching and even all your books. Then this mail is not for you. Go ahead, close it.

BUT if you don't like studying? And books generally make you sleepy and half of what your teacher is teaching doesn't make sense. Then you're in luck!

We, at EduRev were Students not long ago and we absolutely hated our education system, so much so that we left everything and made it our life's mission to change it!

To make it into something you would love, an education system that made you happy! Now you will think it is crazy that is not how education can be but we swear by our product. Just check out EduRev for once and see if you like it?!

We can bet you will love it, it is education in a way which has a lot of discussions, a lot of competition and great learning of course!

You know Google? Even they awarded us! They said we're a hidden gem and gave us a Best App of the Year award. Facebook, People from Bill & Melinda Gates and so many others have selected us for different programs and even awarded us. And more than 30 lakh students are already studying on EduRev!

SO at the very least give EduRev a try, it is free to download and you can even leave it if you want.

But definitely give the app a try, we bet you wouldn't have experienced learning like this before. Link:

-Navya from Team EduRev


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