Pesticides - Tobacco Extract Solution (???????? ??????)

As part of our Agriculture for Everybody blog series,  we are going to see Tobacco Extract Solution(???????? ??????).

Required Ingredients

S.No.Ingredient NameQty in Litres/Kgs/Nos
1Raw Tobacco500 Grams
2Water4.5 Litres
3Khadi Bar Soap120 Grams

Method of Preparation
  1. Chop the Raw Tobacco into very small pieces.
  2. Boil the water for sometime so that it becomes warm water.
  3. Place the chopped Tobacco in the warm water.
  4. Allow this to stay put for 24 hours.
  5. Dissolve the Khadi Bar Soap in water and ensure it is dissolved completely.
  6. Extract the Tobacco juice by filtering it.
  7. Mix the Tobacco juice with the Soap water.
  8. The final Tobacco Extract Solution is ready for use.

Method of Storage
  1. The pesticide should be kept in the shade and covered with a wire mesh or plastic mosquito net to prevent houseflies from laying eggs and the formation of maggots (worms) in the solution.  This is applicable during the preparation as well as during the shelf life of the pesticide as well.

How long can we store the Pesticide?
  1. N/A

How to use the Pesticide?
  1. Spray System - The pesticide can be applied as a foliar spray.
Note: Dilute 1 Litre of the pesticide with 7 Litres of Water before applying.

When to use the Pesticide?
  1. Generally, the ideal time for spraying is during 6 am to 8.30 am and between 4 pm and 6.30 pm.
Which pests are controlled by the Pesticide?
  1. The pesticide is effective in controlling caterpillars, aphids, and worms but should be avoided on peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, or any member of the solanaceous plant family.


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