Data of Indigenous Buffaloes of India for Decision Making

In our Agriculture for Everybody blog series, we are going to see the details of different Indigenous or Traditional or Desi or Local Buffaloes of India.

S.No.Breed NameGeographical RangeMain PurposeYield / Lactation -
Min-Max (Avg)
Lactation Length (days) - Min-Max (Avg)
Fat % - Min-Max (Avg)
Age at First Calving - Min-Max (Avg) monthsCalving Interval - Min-Max(Avg) monthsSNF % - Min-Max(Avg)
1 Banni Gujarat Milk 1095-6054 (2857.2) ? 4-12.1 (6.65) 0-0 (40.3) 0-0 (12.24) ?
2 Bhadawari Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh Draught, Milk 540-1400 (1294) ? 6-12.8 (7.88) 0-0 (44.6) 13-21 (16) ?
3 Chilika Odisha Draught, Milk 440-514 (500) ? 8.5-8.81 (8.7) 0-0 (44.81) 0-0 (14.3) ?
4 Jaffarabadi Gujarat Draught, Milk 2150-2340 (2239) ? 6.8-8.5 (7.68) 41-55 (45) 0-0 (14.6) ?
5 Kalahandi Odisha Draught, Milk 680-912 (0) ? 7.8-8.2 (0) 0-0 (49.75) 0-0 (17.5) ?
6 Marathwadi Maharashtra Draught, Milk 0-0 (1118) ? 6.25-10.5 (8.8) 0-0 (52.3) 0-0 (16.7) ?
7 Mehsana Gujarat Milk 598-3597 (1988) ? 5.2-9.5 (6.83) 22-54 (42.83) 10-31 (15.64) ?
8 Murrah Delhi, Harayana Draught, Meat, Milk 1003-2057 (1752) ? 6.9-8.3 (7.3) 39.9-54.2 (43.4) 14.1-19.9 (14.9) ?
9 Nagpuri Maharashtra Draught, Milk 760-1500 (1039) ? 7-8.8 (8.25) 50-60 (57) 11-24 (14) ?
10Nili Ravi Punjab Milk 1586-1929 (1850) ? 5.1-8 (6.8) 40-53 (45) 10-31 (16) ?
11 Pandharpuri Maharashtra Draught, Milk 0-0 (1790.6) ? 0-0 (8.01) 0-0 (43.8) 0-0 (13.6) ?
12 Surti Gujarat Milk 0-0 (1667) ? 3.8-8.7 (7.02) 35-58 (44.9) 0-0 (14.86) ?
13 Toda Tamilnadu Draught 0-0 (500) ? 0-0 (8.22) 0-0 (48) 14-18 (15.7) ?



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