Data of Indigenous Buffaloes of India for Decision Making
In our Agriculture for Everybody blog series, we are going to see the details of different Indigenous or Traditional or Desi or Local Buffaloes of India.
S.No. | Breed Name | Geographical Range | Main Purpose | Yield / Lactation - Min-Max (Avg) | Lactation Length (days) - Min-Max (Avg) | Fat % - Min-Max (Avg) | Age at First Calving - Min-Max (Avg) months | Calving Interval - Min-Max(Avg) months | SNF % - Min-Max(Avg) |
1 | Banni | Gujarat | Milk | 1095-6054 (2857.2) | ? | 4-12.1 (6.65) | 0-0 (40.3) | 0-0 (12.24) | ? |
2 | Bhadawari | Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh | Draught, Milk | 540-1400 (1294) | ? | 6-12.8 (7.88) | 0-0 (44.6) | 13-21 (16) | ? |
3 | Chilika | Odisha | Draught, Milk | 440-514 (500) | ? | 8.5-8.81 (8.7) | 0-0 (44.81) | 0-0 (14.3) | ? |
4 | Jaffarabadi | Gujarat | Draught, Milk | 2150-2340 (2239) | ? | 6.8-8.5 (7.68) | 41-55 (45) | 0-0 (14.6) | ? |
5 | Kalahandi | Odisha | Draught, Milk | 680-912 (0) | ? | 7.8-8.2 (0) | 0-0 (49.75) | 0-0 (17.5) | ? |
6 | Marathwadi | Maharashtra | Draught, Milk | 0-0 (1118) | ? | 6.25-10.5 (8.8) | 0-0 (52.3) | 0-0 (16.7) | ? |
7 | Mehsana | Gujarat | Milk | 598-3597 (1988) | ? | 5.2-9.5 (6.83) | 22-54 (42.83) | 10-31 (15.64) | ? |
8 | Murrah | Delhi, Harayana | Draught, Meat, Milk | 1003-2057 (1752) | ? | 6.9-8.3 (7.3) | 39.9-54.2 (43.4) | 14.1-19.9 (14.9) | ? |
9 | Nagpuri | Maharashtra | Draught, Milk | 760-1500 (1039) | ? | 7-8.8 (8.25) | 50-60 (57) | 11-24 (14) | ? |
10 | Nili Ravi | Punjab | Milk | 1586-1929 (1850) | ? | 5.1-8 (6.8) | 40-53 (45) | 10-31 (16) | ? |
11 | Pandharpuri | Maharashtra | Draught, Milk | 0-0 (1790.6) | ? | 0-0 (8.01) | 0-0 (43.8) | 0-0 (13.6) | ? |
12 | Surti | Gujarat | Milk | 0-0 (1667) | ? | 3.8-8.7 (7.02) | 35-58 (44.9) | 0-0 (14.86) | ? |
13 | Toda | Tamilnadu | Draught | 0-0 (500) | ? | 0-0 (8.22) | 0-0 (48) | 14-18 (15.7) | ? |
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