Comparison of Indigenous or Traditional or Desi Cows Milk Yield

In our Agriculture for Everybody blog series, we are going to see the details of different Indigenous or Traditional or Country or Desi or Local Cows of India.  Even though the focus is on the Milk Yield, the other parameters can as well be used to decide on the relevant breed by the farmers for their respective needs.

S.No.Breed Name (Main Purpose)Geographical RangeYield / Lactation -
Min-Max (Avg)
Lactation Length (days) - Min-Max (Avg)
Fat % - Min-Max (Avg)
Age at First Calving - Min-Max (Avg) monthsCalving Interval - Min-Max(Avg) monthsSNF % - Min-Max(Avg)
1Alambadi*Tamilnadu?????0-0 (0)
2Alanganallur*Tamilnadu?????0-0 (0)
3Amritmahal (D)Karnataka0-0 (572)289-309 (299)0-0 (0)36-72(50.65)12-22 (14.14)0-0 (0)
4Bachaur (D)Bihar225-630 (347)0-0 (254)4.8-7.1 (5)40-62 (48.37)11-14 (12.5)0-0 (0)
5Badri (B)Uttarakhand547-657 (632)0-0 (0)3.6-4.4 (4)42-56 (49)13-15 (13.4)0-0 (0)
6Bargur (D)Tamilnadu250-1300 (350)270-310 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (17)0-0 (0)
7Belahi (B)Chandigarh, Haryana0-0 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (0)
8Binjharpuri (B)Odisha915-1350 (0)?4.3-4.4 (0)0-0 (40.48)0-0 (13.47)0-0 (0)
9Dangi (B)Gujarat, Maharashtra175-800 (430)100-396 (269)3.8-4.5 (4.3)46-56 (53)17-21 (19)0-0 (0)
10Deoni (D)Karnataka Maharashtra638-1229 (868)?2.5-5.3 (4.3)42-48 (45.7)13-17 (14.7)0-0 (0)
11Gangatiri (B)Bihar,
Uttar Pradesh
0-0 (0)150-250 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (0)14-24 (0)
12Gaolao (B)Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra470-725 (604)0-0 (240)0-0 (4.32)52-61 (54.74)13-18 (14.15)0-0 (0)
13Ghumusari (B)Odisha450-650 (0)?4.8-4.9 (0)0-0 (42.24)0-0 (13.56)0-0 (0)
14Gir (B)Gujarat800-3300 (2110)240-380 (0)3.9-5.1 (4.6)39-59 (46.08)0-0 (13.4)0-0 (0)
15Hallikar (D)Karnataka227-1134 (542)210-310 (285)0-0 (5.7)30-48 (36.24)12-36 (19.7)0-0 (0)
16Hariana (B)Haryana693-1745 (997)238-330(272)4.3-5.3 (4.5)40-61 (51.3)13-18 (15.88)0-0 (0)
17Irucchali*Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
18Kangayam (D)Tamilnadu0-0 (540)0-0 (270)1.6-7.7 (3.9)28-54 (39.99)12-54 (15.62)0-0 (6.96)
19Kankrej (D)Gujarat, Rajasthan800-1800 (1738)257-350 (294)2.9-4.2 (0)36-53 (47.3)12-25 (15.06)0-0 (0)
20Kasargod* DwarfKerala?????0-0 (0)
21Kenkatha (D)Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh0-0 (0)?0-0 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (0)
22Khariar (B)Odisha300-450 (0)?4-5 (0)0-0 (50.09)0-0 (16.84)0-0 (0)
23Kherigarh (D)Uttar Pradesh300-500 (0)?0-0 (0)36-48 (0)13-15 (0)0-0 (0)
24Khillar (D)Karnataka, Maharashtra240-515 (451.48)?0-0 (4.22)37-60 (42.39)15-21 (16.6)0-0 (0)
25Kollimalai*Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
26Konadan or Manapparai*Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
27Kosali (B)Chhattisgarh200-250 (210)?3-4.5 (3.5)48-60 (53)18-24 (0)0-0 (0)
28Krishna Valley (D)

Karnataka, Maharashtra0-0 (0)?0-0 (0)46.05-49.34 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (0)
29Malnad Gidda (B) DwarfKarnataka0-0 (218.3)?0-0 (0)0-0 (45.4)0-0 (17)0-0 (0)
30Malvi (D)Madhya Pradesh627-1227 (915.6)411-530 (306)0-0 (4.28)45-51 (48.95)13-17 (16.67)0-0 (0)
31Mazha Konga*Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
32Mewati (D)Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh0-0 (958)?0-0 (0)42-54 (0)12-18 (0)0-0 (0)
33Mottai madu*Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
34Motu (B)Odisha100-140 (0)?4.86-5.3 (0)0-0 (52.43)0-0 (13.87)0-0 (0)
35Nagori (D)Rajasthan479-905 (603)237-299 (267)0-0 (5.8)42-50 (47.37)14-18 (15.16)0-0 (0)
36Nattan*Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
37Nimari (D)Madhya Pradesh600-954 (766.9)220-260 (237)0-0 (4.9)33-93 (54.1)15-19 (17.07)0-0 (0)
38Ongole (B)Andhra Pradesh0-0 (798)160-260(230)0-0 (3.79)0-0 (45.58)0-0 (13.12)0-0 (0)
39Palamalai*Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
40Ponwar (D)Uttar Pradesh0-0 (459)8-10 Months0-0 (0)40-60 (51)0-0 (12.7)0-0 (0)
41Pulikulam (D)Tamilnadu0-0 (0)?0-0 (0)0-0 (50)17-24 (0)0-0 (0)
42Punganur (B) DwarfAndhra Pradesh194-1100 (546)98-445 (263.4)3.2-10 (5)0-0 (37)10-27 (14.88)7.69-10.56 (9.5)
43Rathi (M)Rajasthan1062-2810 (1560)306-431 (336)3.7-4 (0)36-52 (46.4)14-20 (17.07)0-0 (0)
44Red Kandari (D)Maharashtra0-0 (598)255-264 (0)0-0 (4.57)0-0 (0)0-0 (14.61)0-0 (8.62)
45Red Sindhi (M)Spread throughout India1100-2600 (1840)270-490 (0)4-5.2 (4.5)31.97-51.32 (43.54)12.5-18.09 (14.57)0-0 (0)
46Sahiwal (M)Punjab, Rajasthan1600-2750 (2325)285-375 (318)4.8-5.1 (4.9)30-50 (41.7)13-18 (15.6)0-0 (0)
47Siri (D)Sikkim, West Bengal0-0 (425.8)210-274 (0)2.8-5.5 (0)47-56 (0)14-18 (16.7)7.56-9.37 (0)
48Tenpandi*Tamilnadu?????0-0 (0)
49Thambiran madu*Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
50Tharparkar (B)Gujarat, Rajasthan913-2147 (1749)280-440 (0)4.72-4.9 (4.88)36.71-52.5 (41.03)13.42-18.82 (14.18)8.9-9.7 (9.2)
51Tirunelveli hill breed cattle*Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
52Turinjithalai*Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
53Tondainadu*Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
54Umblacherry (D)Tamilnadu0-0 (494)?0-0 (4.94)0-0 (52.4)0-0 (14.6)0-0 (7.8)
55Vechur (M) DwarfKerala0-0 (561)?4.7-5.8 (0)0-0 (36)12-17 (14.01)0-0 (0)

  • "*" indicates Non-Descript cattle meaning it has not so far been recognized by Govt of India as Indigenous Cattle Breeds
  • Main Purpose is provided in brackets and it means the following
    • D means Draught purposes
    • M means Milk purposes
    • B means both Draught and Milk purposes
  • Some data (which is indicated by ? ) is currently not available and will be updated in future.


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