Alternate list of OS Tizen, sailfish, Chrome OS, Firefox OS etc

Alternate Operating systems list

1. Windows
Windows XP , Windows 7,8.1 are most used OS in the world. Success is mostly based on its easy to use , features and compatibility with lot of hardware.

2. Linux
Best alternate OS for Windows. Open source.
Lot of variants available
3. Tizen OS
Tizen OS is based on Linux . SmartPhone mobile OS with best set of features, competitive for Android OS.
Samsung planning to release new phones based on Tizen.

4. Sailfish OS

SailFish is Linux based Mobile OS developed by Jolla.

5. Chrome OS
Chrome OS is developed by Google.

Firefox is linux based mobile and tablet pc OS developed by mozilla.

Based on BeOS , is a fast, simple and powerful OS.

9. MAC OS X & Apple iOS
Best OS for its features used in macintosh systems.
Apple iOS used in apple mobile phones - iPhones.

Steam OS
Linux based operating system.

Most popular mobile operating system developed by google.

Runs windows programs using WINE emulator.
Related Keywords
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