My Research Publications in Journals/Conferences
International Journal Publications
My list of publications at Google Scholar
1. B.Surendiran, A.Vadivel, "Feature Selection using Stepwise ANOVA Discriminant Analysis for Mammogram Mass Classification", Aceee International Journal on signal & Image processing , Academy Publisher, Vol. 2, No.1, pp.17-19, 2011.
Citations: 12
2. B.Surendiran, A.Vadivel, "Mammogram Mass Classification using Various Geometric Shape and Margin Features for Early Detection of Breast Cancer ", International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics, Inderscience ,Vol 4, No. 1, pp:36-54, 2012.
SCI Indexed, Scopus Indexed.,
Impact Factor:0.2 -
3. B.Surendiran, A.Vadivel, "A Hybrid Classifier for Mammogram Mass Classification using Various Geometric Shape and Margin Features", Special Issue on : Rapid Manufacturing in Medical Applications, International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, Inderscience, Vol.2, No.1/2, pp.56-75, 2011.
4. B.Surendiran, A.Vadivel, "A New Feature Reduction Method for Mammogram Mass Classification", Control, Computation and Information Systems, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, LNCS, Volume 140, 3, 303-311. pdf
5. B.Surendiran, A.Vadivel, "A Hybrid Feature Extraction Approach for Mammogram Mass Analysis", CiiT International Journal of Digital Image Processing, Vol. 3 No.9, may 2011, pp:567-573.
6. B.Surendiran, A.Vadivel, "Classifying Benign and Malignant Masses using Statistical Measures", ICTACT Journal of Image and Video Processing, ICT Academy of Tamilnadu, Vol 2, Issue 2,pp:319-326, 2011.
7. B.Surendiran, A.Vadivel, "Classifying Mammographic Masses into BI - RADS shape categories using various geometric shape and margin features", International Journal of Biomedical Signal Processing, Vol 2(1),2011, pp.43-47.
8. C. Akalya devi, K. E. Kannammal and B. Surendiran, "A Hybrid Feature Selection Model For Software Fault Prediction", International Journal on Computational Science & Applications(IJCSA), Volume 2, Number 2, April 2012, pp:25-35.
9. S.Chandrasekaran, B.Surendiran, Siddique Ibrahim, M.Muthukumar, "Dependability Model of Distributed Embedded System Using Finite Tree Automata for Automotive Applications", International Journal of Research in Embedded Systems Applications- IJRESA, 2012.
10. B.Surendiran , A.Vadivel, "A Fuzzy Rule Based Approach for Characterization of Mammogram Masses into BI-RADS Shape Categories ", International Journal of Computers in Biology and Medicine, ELSEVIER, (2013). Impact Factor = 1.6 . pdf
Scopus indexed, SCI Impact factor journal.
Elsevier -
11. V.Geetha, B.Surendiran, R.Nadarajan & G.S.Nandakumar, An Adaptive E-Assessment Grading (AEAG) model for Performance Evaluation, International Journal on Computational Sciences & Applications (IJCSA), Vo2, No.4, August 2012.
1. Surendiran B., Vadivel A., Selvaraj H., "A Soft-Decision Approach for Microcalcification Mass Identification from Digital Mammogram", In: Proceedings of world academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol 36, pp.1236-1240, Dec 2008.
2. B.Surendiran, Y.Sundaraiah, A.Vadivel, "Classifying Digital Mammogram Masses using Univariate ANOVA Discriminant Analysis", International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing-ARTCom, pp.175-177, 2009 (Published by IEEE). (Best Paper Award) . pdf
3. Surendiran.B, A.Vadivel," An Automated Classification of Mammogram Masses using Statistical Measures", 4th Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-09), Tumkur , India, pp. 1473-1485, Dec 2009. pdf
4. C. Akalya devi, B. Surendiran, K. E. Kannammal, "A Study of Feature Selection Methods for Software Fault Prediction Model" , International Conference on Networks, Intelligence and Computing Technologies (ICNICT '11), Karpagam univesity, 2011.
My list of publications at Google Scholar
1. B.Surendiran, A.Vadivel, "Feature Selection using Stepwise ANOVA Discriminant Analysis for Mammogram Mass Classification", Aceee International Journal on signal & Image processing , Academy Publisher, Vol. 2, No.1, pp.17-19, 2011.
Citations: 12
2. B.Surendiran, A.Vadivel, "Mammogram Mass Classification using Various Geometric Shape and Margin Features for Early Detection of Breast Cancer ", International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics, Inderscience ,Vol 4, No. 1, pp:36-54, 2012.
SCI Indexed, Scopus Indexed.,
Impact Factor:0.2 -
3. B.Surendiran, A.Vadivel, "A Hybrid Classifier for Mammogram Mass Classification using Various Geometric Shape and Margin Features", Special Issue on : Rapid Manufacturing in Medical Applications, International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, Inderscience, Vol.2, No.1/2, pp.56-75, 2011.
4. B.Surendiran, A.Vadivel, "A New Feature Reduction Method for Mammogram Mass Classification", Control, Computation and Information Systems, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, LNCS, Volume 140, 3, 303-311. pdf
5. B.Surendiran, A.Vadivel, "A Hybrid Feature Extraction Approach for Mammogram Mass Analysis", CiiT International Journal of Digital Image Processing, Vol. 3 No.9, may 2011, pp:567-573.
6. B.Surendiran, A.Vadivel, "Classifying Benign and Malignant Masses using Statistical Measures", ICTACT Journal of Image and Video Processing, ICT Academy of Tamilnadu, Vol 2, Issue 2,pp:319-326, 2011.
7. B.Surendiran, A.Vadivel, "Classifying Mammographic Masses into BI - RADS shape categories using various geometric shape and margin features", International Journal of Biomedical Signal Processing, Vol 2(1),2011, pp.43-47.
8. C. Akalya devi, K. E. Kannammal and B. Surendiran, "A Hybrid Feature Selection Model For Software Fault Prediction", International Journal on Computational Science & Applications(IJCSA), Volume 2, Number 2, April 2012, pp:25-35.
9. S.Chandrasekaran, B.Surendiran, Siddique Ibrahim, M.Muthukumar, "Dependability Model of Distributed Embedded System Using Finite Tree Automata for Automotive Applications", International Journal of Research in Embedded Systems Applications- IJRESA, 2012.
10. B.Surendiran , A.Vadivel, "A Fuzzy Rule Based Approach for Characterization of Mammogram Masses into BI-RADS Shape Categories ", International Journal of Computers in Biology and Medicine, ELSEVIER, (2013). Impact Factor = 1.6 . pdf
Scopus indexed, SCI Impact factor journal.
Elsevier -
11. V.Geetha, B.Surendiran, R.Nadarajan & G.S.Nandakumar, An Adaptive E-Assessment Grading (AEAG) model for Performance Evaluation, International Journal on Computational Sciences & Applications (IJCSA), Vo2, No.4, August 2012.
12. P.Ramanathan, B.Surendiran, �Power Estimation of Benchmark Circuits using Artificial Neural Networks�, PENSEE Journal , Vol. 75 and 9, 427 - 433 , 2013. Impact Factor = 0.065
13. B.Surendiran ,G. S. Nandakumar, V. Geetha, S. Thangasamy "A Rough Set Based Classification Model for Grading in Adaptive E-Assessment", International Review on Computers and Software , Vol .9(6), 08/2014
14. B Surendiran, P Ramanathan, A Vadivel, "Effect of BIRADS Shape descriptors on Breast Cancer Analysis", International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics, Inderscience Publishers, Vol 7 (1), 2015.
SCI Indexed, Scopus Indexed.,
Impact Factor:0.2 -
International/National Conference Publications14. B Surendiran, P Ramanathan, A Vadivel, "Effect of BIRADS Shape descriptors on Breast Cancer Analysis", International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics, Inderscience Publishers, Vol 7 (1), 2015.
SCI Indexed, Scopus Indexed.,
Impact Factor:0.2 -
1. Surendiran B., Vadivel A., Selvaraj H., "A Soft-Decision Approach for Microcalcification Mass Identification from Digital Mammogram", In: Proceedings of world academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol 36, pp.1236-1240, Dec 2008.
2. B.Surendiran, Y.Sundaraiah, A.Vadivel, "Classifying Digital Mammogram Masses using Univariate ANOVA Discriminant Analysis", International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing-ARTCom, pp.175-177, 2009 (Published by IEEE). (Best Paper Award) . pdf
3. Surendiran.B, A.Vadivel," An Automated Classification of Mammogram Masses using Statistical Measures", 4th Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-09), Tumkur , India, pp. 1473-1485, Dec 2009. pdf
4. C. Akalya devi, B. Surendiran, K. E. Kannammal, "A Study of Feature Selection Methods for Software Fault Prediction Model" , International Conference on Networks, Intelligence and Computing Technologies (ICNICT '11), Karpagam univesity, 2011.
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