Vegetables Crops - A Data Oriented Complete Guide - WorkInProgress

In our Agriculture for Everybody blog series, we are going to see a Data Oriented Complete Guide to Vegetables Crops.

The first table (Parameters Template) will contain the parameters filter while the second table (Detailed Template) will contain more details about the crop.

Note: Request readers to help update the parameters of the crops and let me know of any other parameters.

Parameters Template

S.No. Common Name ST / MT / LT (age) SSH / MSH SH / MH SC (%)
1Amaranth???? ??????WIP3WIP4WIP5
2Annual Moringa???? ????????WIP3WIP4WIP5
8Bellary OnionWIP2WIP3WIP4WIP5
10Bitter GourdWIP2WIP3WIP4WIP5
11Bottle GourdWIP2WIP3WIP4WIP5
12Bread FruitWIP2WIP3WIP4WIP5
15Brussels SproutWIP2WIP3WIP4WIP5
16Butter BeanWIP2WIP3WIP4WIP5
21Ceylon SpinachWIP2WIP3WIP4WIP5
22Chakravathi KeeraiWIP2WIP3WIP4WIP5
25Chinese CabbageWIP2WIP3WIP4WIP5
27Cluster BeansWIP2WIP3WIP4WIP5
32Curry Leaf???????????WIP3WIP4WIP5
34Elephant Foot Yam?????????????WIP3WIP4WIP5
35French BeanWIP2WIP3WIP4WIP5
45Potato??????? ???????WIP3WIP4WIP5
49Ribbed GourdWIP2WIP3WIP4WIP5
50Small OnionWIP2WIP3WIP4WIP5
51Snake GourdWIP2WIP3WIP4WIP5
52Sweet Potato??????????????????????WIP3WIP4WIP5
57Vegetable CowpeaWIP2WIP3WIP4WIP5
59Winged BeanWIP2WIP3WIP4WIP5

  • ST/MT/LT (age) stands for Short Term Crops(ST), Medium Term Crops(MT), Long Term Crops(LT), (age) stands for the economical lifetime of the crops
  • SSH/MSH stands for Single Season Harvest Crops(SSH), Multiple Season Harvest Crops (MSH)
  • SH/MH stands for Single Harvest(SH), Multiple Harvest(MH)
  • SC (%) stands for Shade Crops. This will help us to grow shade crops once the main crops are grown. (%) stands for percentage of shade required
  • Anything that starts with WIP* means Work In Progress. The same will be updated in a future date once the information is available

Detailed Template

The Detailed Template provides the data the farmer is looking for quick decision making.
  • Soil Type - Provides the Vegetable Crop information based on the Soil Type
  • Water Requirement - Provides the information on the amount of water required for the specific Vegetable Crop
  • Best Season - Provides the information on the Best Season to grow the specific Vegetable Crop
  • Crop Longevity - Provides the information on the Crop Age of the Vegetable Crop
  • Type of Vegetables - Provides the information on the Vegetable Crop that needs Pandals or Trellis as well as the Type of Vegetable

S.No.Common NameTamil NameBotanical NameFamily NameSpacing(Rows X Plants) (Cms / Inches / Fts)Seed Rate (Varieties / Hybrids)Seed Sowing DepthGestation Period (Yrs)Avg Yield/Crop(Nos/Kgs/Tonnes)BCD
1 Amaranth ???? ?????? Amaranthus sp L Amaranthaceae WIP4 V:300-350 g/ha                   H:100-150 g/ha WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
2 Annual Moringa ???? ???????? Moringa oleifera L Moringaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
3 Ash Gourd ??????? ????? Benincasa hispida Cogn Cucurbitaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
4 Asparagus
Asparagus officinalis var.altilis WIP3 WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
5 Basella
6 Beetroot ???????? Beta vulgaris L Chenopodiaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
7 Bellary Onion ???????? ????????? Allium cepa var. cepa Alliaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
8 Bhendi ?????? Abelmoschus esculentus (L) Moench Malvaceae R:45 C
P:30 C
V:8.0 kg/ha
H:2.5 kg/ha
0.5 I WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
9 Bitter Gourd ????????? Momordica charantia L Cucurbitaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
10 Bottle Gourd ?????????? Lagenaria siceraria (Mol) Standl Cucurbitaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
11 Bread Fruit
Artocarpus altilis WIP3 WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
12 Brinjal ?????? Solanum melongena L Solanaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
13 Broadbeans ?????? ?????? Vicia faba L Fabaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
14 Brussels Sprout
?????? ?????????
Brassica oleracea var. Gemmifera WIP3 WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
15 Butter Bean
????? ??????
Phaseolus lunatus WIP3 WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
16 Cabbage ???????????? Brassica oleracea var. capitata Brassicaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
17 Capsicum ???? ??????? Capsicum annuum Solanaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
18 Carrot ????? Daucus carota L Umbelliferae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
19 Cauliflower ??????????? Brassica oleracea var. botrytis Brassicaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
20 Celery ????? Apium graveolens WIP3 WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
21 Ceylon Spinach
Talinum triangulare WIP3 WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
22 Chakravathi Keerai
??????????? ????
Chenopodium album WIP3 WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
23 Chekurmanis
???????? ?????????
Sauropus androgynus WIP3 WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
24 Chillies ??????? Capsicum annuum L Solanaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
25 Chinese Cabbage
?????? ??????
Brassica pekinensis WIP3 WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
26 Chinese Potato ??? ?????????????? Coleus parviflorus L Labiatae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
27 Chow Chow ?????? Sechium edule Cucurbitaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
28 Cluster Beans ???????? Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L Fabaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
29 Coccinia
Coccinia indica WIP3 WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
30 Colocasia ??????????? Colocasia esculenta L. Scott Araceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
31 Cucumber ??????? Cucumis sativus L Cucurbitaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
32 Curry Leaf ??????????? Murraya koenigii Linn. Sprengal Rutaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
33 Dioscorea ?????????????? Dioscorea alata L. & Dioscorea esculenta L Dioscoreaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
34 Elephant Foot Yam ????????????? Amorphophallus companulatus Blume Araceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
35 French Bean ???????? ???? ?????? Phaseolus vulgaris  L Fabaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
36 Gherkin ???????? Cucumis sativus var. angaria Cucurbitaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
37 Knol-khol
Brassica caulorapa WIP3 WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
38 Lab lab ???? Lab lab purpureus var. typicus Fabaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
39 Lettuce
Lactuca sativa WIP3 WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
40 Mint
Mentha virides WIP3 WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
41 Muskmelon ?????? ???? Cucumis melo L Cucurbitaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
42 Palak
Beta vulgaris var. Bengalensis WIP3 WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
43 Paprika ????? ??????? Capsicum annum var. longum Solanaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
44 Peas ??????? Pisum sativum L Fabaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
45 Potato ??????? ??????? Solanum tuberosum L Solanaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
46 Pumpkin ???????????? Cucurbita moschata Poir Cucurbitaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
47 Radish ????????? Raphanus sativus L Brassicaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
48 Rhubarb
Rheum rhaponticum WIP3 WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
49 Ribbed Gourd ????????? Luffa acutangula Roxb Cucurbitaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
50 Small Onion ?????????????? Allium cepa var. aggregatum Alliaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
51 Snake Gourd ??????????? Trichosanthes cucumerina. L Cucurbitaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
52 Sweet Potato ?????????????????????? Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam Convolvulaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
53 Tapioca ???????????????? Manihot esculenta Crantz Euphorbiaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
54 Tinda ?????? Citrullus vulgaris Schrad var. fistulousus Cucurbitaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
55 Tomato ??????? Lycopersicon esculentum Mill Solanaceae P:24 I V:300-350 g/ha                   H:100-150 g/ha 0.25 Inches 0 V:30-40 t/ha                   H:80-95 t/ha WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
56 Turnip
Brassica rapa WIP3 WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
57 Vegetable Cowpea ??????? ???????????? Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp Fabaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
58 Watermelon ???????? Citrullus lanatus (Thumb) Matsum and Nakai Cucurbitaceae WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11
59 Winged Bean ???????? ?????? Psophocarpus tetragonalobus WIP3 WIP4 WIP5 WIP6 WIP7 WIP8 WIP9 WIP10 WIP11

  • Soil Types are
    1. Red Soils
    2. Black Soil
    3. Laterite Soils
    4. Coastal Soils
  • Spacing provided here is for the normally accepted standard spacing only
  • Water Per Crop is the accepted water requirements. The template may be modified to accomodate water requirements for each year as well in future
  • Avg Yield Per Crop can be in Numbers, Kgs/Tonnes.  This can be expanded to accomodate Avg Yld Per Crop based on the age of the crop as well in future
  • Last Market Rate is the price that the market has given to the crop
  • Anything that starts with WIP* means Work In Progress. The same will be updated in a future date once the information is available


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