Interesting you know?

Do you know !!!

1. Silver is a natural germ killer. Even kids are given milk in silver bottle in olden days. 

2. The technology used by scanners to transfer data between personal computer and scanner is TWAIN (stands for Technology Without An Interesting Name).

3. Thoopukaranam increases memory power.
4.  Don't kill spider and lizards at home, as spider will kill 20 mosquitoes per day. Lizard can kill 15 mosquitoes per minute. Its a natural way of avoiding mosquitoes

5. An Antivirus uses only single database. Do you know about some anti-viruses that uses multiple databases.

6. Do you why elder people asks you not to cut nails at night after 6 pm?
its because in early days, there was no power , no nail cutters. They have to use sharp weapons to cut nails. After 6 pm, without power, its dangerous to cut nails. Nowadays you can cut nails after 6 pm!.

7.  Einstein read hindu vedas, gita etc before his new ideas - Theory of relativity !

8. Julius Robert Oppenheimer, the principle developer of the atomic bomb read vedas. Vedas has hint about creating atom bomb ! . Search google for link between science and vedas .........
Now china is teaching its scientists about Sanskrit language to decode lot of hidden ideas present in Vedas !!!!.
9. Some quantum mechanics theory came from Vedas...

10. Pythagoras theorem  by Pythagoras is based on Hindus Sulba Sutra  . There are proofs that Pythagoras visited India and learned the theorem and presented to western world.


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