Who made Baba Ramdev Popular...

Baba Ramdev created a storm in Indian politics, after the delhi police evicted Baba Ramdev and its supporters by using lathi-charge, tear gas shells (even on women, children, elder peoples).
In Facebook too,
Baba Ramdev Support page - which was created on June 5, 2011. Now as on June 7, 2011 has around >50,000 supporters.

And another Baba Ramdev page has around only 60,000 supporters as on June 5, 2011. But as of now, June 7, 2011 the number of supporters had increased to >90,000.

Thanks to congress for making an not-so-famous BABA RAMDEV - popular in Facebook and twitter.

New two heroes of India are Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev who fights against corruption and black money.


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