
Showing posts from February, 2015

Multiple Ponds Design for Water Storage

In our Agriculture for Everybody  blog series, we will discuss the need for Multiple Ponds and the ways to achieve that. In a small farm, a single pond is dug at the lowest point or at an convenient place and it may be optimal for small farms just having a single pond. In a big or large farm, a single pond may not be the right choice as water stored need to be moved around to the crops in need by either options like trenches or pipes etc.  If there is less rainfall, even a single pond of bigger size may not reach its full capacity and also evaporation and seepage will further reduce the water stored because of the bigger size. Multiple Ponds avoids above mentioned pitfalls and has other benefits which are mentioned below. Small Ponds (Multiple Ponds) get filled easily compared to a single big pond (even when rainfall is less) Small Ponds (Multiple Ponds) evaporation as well as the seepage is less as the size of the pond is less.  This is true only when not all the ponds a...

Online mutual fund investment in India, Invest online easily through SIP

Various mutual fund service providers allow you to invest in mutual fund online 1. Franklin https:// online . 2. DSP Blackrock Login.aspx 3. L&T 4. Edelweiss mutual fund https:// online .edelweissmf. com/ 5. SBI MF INVESTORCENTER/ASPX/frmlogin. aspx 6.ICICI mutual funds New Investors: You can invest online, but need to fill KYC form along with online application form.KYC is must for new investments. Existing Investors: Existing investors use your PAN and folio to create PIN and then use online accounts. All redemption, additional buy/sell, Systematic transfer plan, Systematic withdrawal plan, switches all can be done online.

Adobe flash player activex offline installer download latest version for windows 7, 8 for IE, firefox and other browsers extensions ,full free download, adobe flash player install for windows 7 download

Adobe flash player offline installer download latest version for windows 7, 8 for IE, firefox and other browsers,adobe flash player download offline installer 14. Download the latest flash player full offline download as single exe file. The above link provides full offline setup for adobe flash player for windows 7, 8 for all browser extensions. Related searches: adobe flash player latest version  , adobe flash player for windows 8, adobe flash player for firefox  , adobe flash player for windows 7  ,adobe flash player free download  , adobe flash player offline installer  , adobe flash player activex  ,adobe flash player activex free download,adobe flash player browser plugin  , adobe flash player install for windows 7  , adobe flash player latest version free download for xp  , adobe flash player new version  , adobe flash player 10, adobe flash player 9, adobe flash player 11,adobe f...

best site for agriculture tips,agriculture tips for farmers in tamil

Best sites for agriculture ulture/ Related Searches:  pasumai,agriculture,best site for agriculture,farmer tips,organic farming,agriculture tips in tamil,agriculture tips for farmers in tamil, agriculture tips in tamil language

Backlinks references

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Did we Land on the Moon. Conspiracy Theory proved....

Image How we are fooled ! Man did not land on moon. The moon landing vidoes/photos are faked by shooting in a desert. Check above site for details. Also check fox tv video about "did we land on moon" below, Related searches Did We Really Land on the Moon,Conspiracy Neil Armstrong, Fox Moon Landing Hoax,    Moon Landing Conspiracy Theories, Moon Landing Area 51, Moon Landing Faked,Moon Conspiracy,Moon Landing Conspiracy Theory Debunked

Exhibition / Meetings / Trainings

Exhibition - Currently there is no Exhibition Info Available Topic                  : Purpose               : Date                    : Time                   : Place                   : Contact Person   : Contact Number : Email                  : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trainings - Currently there is no TRAINING Available Topic     ...

How to restore colornotes backup notes in android without master password, color note backup to PC

How to restore colornotes backup notes in android without password First copy previous old .dat and .idx files from your old backup or old phone to 'sdcard->\data\colornote\backup' Example: manual backup has files like 1362379207684-MANUAL.dat 1362379207684-MANUAL.idx Auto backup has files like 1362368270051-AUTO.dat 1362368270051-AUTO.idx 1. without using master password, and using old backup Goto 'Settings Menu -> BackUp -> SD card backup' then you can see list of backup files in "saved backup data". Tap xxxxxxxxxx-auto.dat backup item you want to restore. It will restore all notes without asking master password. As auto backup, will take backup of notes without using master password. 2. using previous backup and old master password Goto 'Settings Menu -> BackUp -> SD card backup' then you can see list of backup files in "saved backup data". Tap backup item you want to restore (either manual or auto). Type old master ...

Pesticides - Ginger Garlic Extract

In our Agriculture for Everybody  blog series, we are going to see Ginger Garlic Extract which is called as Inji Poondu Karaisal in Tamil Required Ingredients S.No. Ingredient Name Qty in Litres/Gms 1 Ginger 1 Gms 3 Garlic 2 Gms 2 Green Chilli 1 Gms 4 Cow's Urine 5 Litres 5 Water 1 Litres Method of Preparation The Garlic outer skin is removed and ground into a paste. The Ginger and Green Chilli are ground into a paste. Both the pastes are dissolved in Cow's Urine & Water and is kept for 10 days. Please note that the stick (neem stick is better or any pole) used for mixing the ingredients should be cleaned before & after the usage so as to avoid maggots formations in the pesticide. Method of Storage The pesticide should be kept in the shade and covered with a wire mesh or plastic mosquito net to prevent houseflies from laying eggs and the formation of maggots (worms) in the solution. This is applicable during the preparation as well as during the shelf...