
Showing posts from January, 2014

Recycle old dvd craft ideas,crafts for kids, how to recycle old cds and dvds, Innovative craft ideas, Reuse Waste CD/DVD

Recycle old dvd craft ideas Here is a useful recycling idea of creating craft items using old CDs/DVDs .You can involve your kids to do this craft works. 1. Create Fish using waste CDs/DVDs 2. Create cylinder/cone using CD's / DVD's. 2 DVD at both end. in center -> use a rod or stick to join 2 dvds. Outer layer -> rotate the model using red color sheet  to look like cylinder

Water Storage Methods

In our Agriculture for Everybody  blog series,  we will discuss the specifics of Water Storage Methods.  Generally, the water storage methods can be classified into two groups and they are as follows. Underground Water Storage Over ground Water Storage We can opt to utilize one or the other of the methods or a combination of both. Underground Water Storage The water is stored below the surface and can be retrieved at a later point of time by using the available options. Advantages Evaporation is very minimal as the water is stored below the ground Contamination possibility is very less No need to allocate any land for this purpose Disadvantages Water can only be retrieved by using bore well and other means Water availability is not guaranteed as other farmers can also exploit the underground water Over ground Water Storage The water is stored above the surface and can be utilized directly for many purposes and that too whenever we require them.  Examples of this...

Water Harvesting Methods

In our Agriculture for Everybody  blog series, we will see the different types of Water Harvesting Methods from a farmland point of view.  We will highlight each one of them and anybody wishes to implement them can look for more detailed information elsewhere. Trenches Trenches need to be created against the flow of the water to get maximum benefit Trenches are best suited water harvesting method where plants or trees are the main crops.  For eg, Coconut Tree Plantations, Mango Tree Plantations etc Trenches can be created in between the rows of the Trees Swales = Continuous Contour Trenches Swales need to be created against the flow of the water to get maximum benefit Swales generally are bigger in size (in terms of width, depth & length) compared to trenches Swales are best suited water harvesting method where plants or trees are the main crops.  For eg, Coconut Tree Plantations, Mango Tree Plantations etc Bunds Bunds are created around the b...

Data & Analysis

The Data & Analysis page will be the main page for anything related to the data and any analysis based on the data.  The Raw Data will be available to everybody and they can create their own analysis as well. Data Parameters For Crops - A Data Oriented Complete Guide - WorkInProgress Fruit Crops - A Data Oriented Complete Guide - WorkInProgress Vegetables Crops - A Data Oriented Complete Guide -WorkInProgress Greens (???????) - A Data Oriented Complete Guide - WorkInProgress Flowers Crops - A Data Oriented Complete Guide - WorkInProgress Timber Crops - A Data Oriented Complete Guide - WorkInProgress Misc Crops - A Data Oriented Complete Guide - WorkInProgress   Analysis Categories or Types of Vegetables Understanding Crops (Groupwise) Propagation Methods Traditional or Open Pollinated or Heirloom (Vegetable) Seeds of India Traditional or Open Pollinated or Heirloom (Rice) Seeds of India

Choosing the Crops based on Water Needs

In our Agriculture for Everybody  blog series, we are going to see how to select the Crops based on Water Needs. The Data provided below will help the farmers choose the crops based on the water availability. High Water Requiring Medium Water Requiring Low Water Requiring 1.Arecanut 1.Acidlime 1.Agave 2.Banana 2.Allspice 2.Amla 3.Betelvine 3.Amaranth 3.Annona 4.Cocoa 4.Annual Moringa 4.Apricot 5.Coconut 5.Apple 5.Bengalgram 6.Grapes 6.Ash Gourd 6.Ber 7.Jute 7.Asparagus 7.Bilimbi 8.Oilpalm 8.Aster 8.Blackgram 9.Papaya 9.Avocado 9.Carambola 10.Rice 10.Babycorn 10.Cashewnut 11.Sugarbeet 11.Basella 11.Castor 12.Sugarcane 12.Beetroot 12.Cowpea 13.Sweet Sorghum 13.Bellary Onion 13.Cumbu Napier 14.Bhendi 14.Cumbu 15.Bitter Gourd 15.Fodder Cholam 16.Bottle Gourd 16.Fodder Cowpea 17.Bread Fruit 17.Fodder Cumbu 18.Bread Fruit 18.Fodder Maize 19.Brinjal 19.Garden lablab 20.Broadbeans 20.Gingelly 21.Brussels Sprout 21.Greengram 22.Butter Bean 22.Groundnut 23.Cabbage 23.Guinea Grass 24.Car...

Allied Activities

The Home Page will serve as the main page for Plants & General Discussion, the Allied Activities Page will serve as the main page for others. As usual, this page has been created keeping in view the focus of the author which is Tamilnadu, India.  Only those allied activities which are being carried out in TN will be listed here and discussed as well. To start with, I am listing the Allied Activities that are being carried out in TN and are known to me. Livestock Cow Farming Comparison of Indigenous or Traditional or Desi Cows Milk Yield Buffalo Farming Data of Indigenous Buffaloes of India for Decision Making Goat Farming An Introduction to Goat Farming Data of Indigenous Goats of India for Decision Making Sheep Farming Data of Indigenous Sheeps of India for Decision Making Pig Farming Data of Indigenous Pigs of India for Decision Making Rabbit Farming Poultry Country Chicken Farming An Introduction to Country Chicken Farming Data of Indigenous Chickens of India for Decisi...