
Showing posts from August, 2013

Parota , maida health issues

Parota - Made from Maida Made from maida. Parota contains only carbohydrates. Maida contains chemicals like benzoyl peroxide , alloxan, chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide. Other chemicals used with Maida are mineral oil, taste makers, aginomoto, preservative, dalda, sacrin, sugar etc Maida  is popular in a white color, wheat bleached with benzoyl peroxide (chemicals). The chemical benzoyl peroxide is used for hair dye making purpose. Alloxan chemical is used as softener. The use of benzoyl peroxide in food is banned in China and in the European countries. Side effects: 1. Alloxan destroys the beta cells of the pancreas. 2. Alloxa n Causes diabetes, heart diseases . 3. Parota may lead to kidney stone problem. Source: Tags: Parota , maida health issues, is parota safe to eat?, dangers of eating parota, maida health hazard

Farm Design - Design One (Ver 2.0)

In our Agriculture for Everybody  blog series, we will concentrate on the crops section of the farm design.  We will mainly concentrate on the design structure in this blog and we will see several permutations and combinations in the next blog.   The entire Crops Section have been further divided into alternative sections.  The sections are called Trees Section & Open Space Section. As the name suggests, the Trees Section will be utilized for growing Trees.  The Trees can be grown in this section can be of Long Term Crops as well as Medium Term Crops. The Trees Section can be utilized for growing Long Term Crops like Mango, Coconut, Tamarind etc as well as for Medium Term Crops like Moringa, Papaya, Banana etc. The Open Space Section will be utilized for growing Short Term Crops like Vegetables, Flowers, Cereals, Millets etc. Looking in a different way, we can simply say that any crops that grow in density (like Tomatoes, Paddy etc) will be grown in Ope...

Tips & Tricks

In our Agriculture for Everybody  blog series, and in this page, you will get Tips & Tricks that will be very useful in improving your overall farming activities and benefit from the same. Note: As usual, if anybody has anything to share, please provide the same. Coconut Do's Dont's Have Compost near or in the Coconut Groove (generally palm family trees) as Rhinoceros Beetle is known to lay their eggs in the compost and multiply there and hence it will attack the plants and this may result in reduced coconut production or destruction of the plant itself. Tomato Do's Have Sunflower as the supporting plant for the Tomato and this will help the plants to climb onto the Sunflower and no need for any other structures and as well as additional income for the farmers from the Sunflower plants. Dont's Misc Do's Red Ants are very helpful in controlling pests.  To enable the Red Ants to cover the entire breadth and width of the farm, tie strings from one tree to the othe...

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shanthi gears social service coimbatore

Shanthi gears is doing lot of social service in coimbatore and providing medicines at low cost. Address: S.F.No.128/2, (2249), Trichy Road, Singanallur, Coimbatore - 641 005. TamilNadu, INDIA. Shanthi gears social service Various services provided by shanthhi gear social service are Petrol bunk Childrens park Hospital X-ray, ECG, CT , and other scans (50 to 70% less than other hospitals) Blood bank Medical shop (20% discount) Canteen Free meals to aged people daily Canteen Contact : Lnadline : +91 422 2205500 Mobile : +91 8489933161 / 8489933162 / 8489933163 Source:

Tips to avoid mosquitoes

Tips to avoid mosquitoes Use computer sambarani place onion peels in bed room, to avoid mosquitoes Spiders kills/eats 20 mosquitoes daily. Lizard eats 15 -20 mosquitoes a minute. Use red/yellow light , as mosquitoes doesn't like these colors Use tube light, as mosquitoes won't bite when light is on

Frreeware tools to copy files from damaged/scratched DVD, make iso file from scratched DVD

Following freeware tools can be used to create ISO image file from damaged,scratched CD/ DVD or copy files from scratched CD/DVD to hard disk/ PC / computer /laptop easily You can copy corrupted videos, movies, software's, tutorials, songs from scratched DVD to system/laptop. Before copying, clean the dvd/cd with water, it will remove dust. Recover data from damaged DVD easily. 1. Copy cat Tool Copy cat - l 2. Iso puzzle 3. CD recovery

Farm Design - Design One (Ver 1.0)

In our Agriculture for Everybody  blog series, I am presenting the overall farm design and will keep explaining things in detail as we go along. We will cover the Fence Design, Crops Design, Roads Design in detail by using this picture as a base and later we will cover Livestock Sheds & Living Quarters, if possible. By using the design, we will know the following:- How much land will be utilized for fencing? (Applicable only for Natural/Live/Bio Fencing model) What type of plants are grown in which part of the fencing area? (Very useful for tracking as it can be utilized for our own manures & pesticides) How much area of roads needs to be provided for? What is the size of each road and what type of vehicles can be allowed to travel in that road without interfering/damaging the crops? What type of plant is grown in which part of the land? Design One (Ver1.0) ???????   The picture given above is in Square Shape and should be considered as an illustration o...