
Showing posts from March, 2013

Parameters For Crops - A Data Oriented Complete Guide - Work in Progres

In our Agriculture for Everybody  blog series, we are going to see a Data Oriented Complete Guide for Parameters in Crops. We have introduced many parameters (criteria or filter) in the previous blogs.  Some of the parameters were introduced as the very basis for selecting the crops while some of them were introduced as information.  While some of the parameters many not be even covered by the blog, but may be important as well. To consolidate the information covered and to provide the parameters as a data, I have compiled this template as a starting point for farmers to filter the crops based on their needs. Note: Request readers to help update the parameters of the crops and let me know of any other parameters.   S.No. Common Name Category ST / MT / LT (age) SSH / MSH SH / MH SC (%) 1 Rice Cereals ST (60-180 days) SSH SH N 2 Wheat Cereals ST (120-150 days) SSH SH N 3 Cumbu Millets ST (105-140 days) SSH SH N 4 Maize Millets ST...

Choosing the Right Combination of Crops - Localized, Naturalized v/s Exotic Crops

In our Agriculture for Everybody  blog series, we are going to see the Right Combination of Crops. We will see the difference between Localized, Naturalized & Exotic Crops and also will see how to make a little bit more money than the general crops. What is meant by Localized, Naturalized & Exotic Crops? Localized Crops - Any crop that grows in your area naturally and is also part of the local community for many centuries are considered Localized Crops For eg, Coconut, Mango, etc Naturalized Crops - Any crop that has been introduced into the local community and has been accepted by the local community are considered Naturalized Crops For eg, Glyricidia, Carrot, Beet Root, Palm Oil, Date Palm etc Exotic Crops - Any crop that is neither part of the local community nor has been naturalized so far but specifically grown for catering to a specific reason are considered Exotic Crops For eg, Lettuc, Braccoli etc Is it necessity to have Localized, Naturalized ...

Browse blocked websites using anonymous proxy

Blocked websites can be browsed using anonymous proxy websites, some proxy websites are proxy -list proxy .org/ www. proxy     www. uswebproxy .com

Choosing the Right Combination of Crops - Food Crops v/s Cash Crops

In our Agriculture for Everybody  blog series, we are going to see how to choose the Right Combination of Crops. We have already seen 3 filters so far and in my view those are the very important filters for choosing the right combination of crops.  If that being the case, what is the new filter I am talking about?  Please see the difference between the previous filter titles and the current title.  In my previous titles, I have used "&" (a combination) and in this title, I have used "v/s" (exclusion). What is meant by Food Crops & Cash Crops? Food Crops - Generally, any crop that are consumed directly as food are considered Food Crops For eg, Vegetables, Mango, Coconut, Sapota, Cereals, Millets etc Cash Crops - Generally, any crop that are not consumed directly as food or any crop that is used as input and comes as output in some other form are considered Cash Crops For eg, Sugarcane, Tobacco, Cotton, Flowers, Oil Seeds, Rubber, Tea, Coffee, Coleus, Ve...