Parameters For Crops - A Data Oriented Complete Guide - Work in Progres
In our Agriculture for Everybody blog series, we are going to see a Data Oriented Complete Guide for Parameters in Crops. We have introduced many parameters (criteria or filter) in the previous blogs. Some of the parameters were introduced as the very basis for selecting the crops while some of them were introduced as information. While some of the parameters many not be even covered by the blog, but may be important as well. To consolidate the information covered and to provide the parameters as a data, I have compiled this template as a starting point for farmers to filter the crops based on their needs. Note: Request readers to help update the parameters of the crops and let me know of any other parameters. S.No. Common Name Category ST / MT / LT (age) SSH / MSH SH / MH SC (%) 1 Rice Cereals ST (60-180 days) SSH SH N 2 Wheat Cereals ST (120-150 days) SSH SH N 3 Cumbu Millets ST (105-140 days) SSH SH N 4 Maize Millets ST...