
Showing posts from August, 2009

Swine Flu -Man made Disease ???

Read the below articles,

Create Cartoon character from your photo

This article gives you a simple and easy method to convert your photo into a cartoon char acter. Original Image Cartoonised Image For this you have to download a freeware plug-in, which can be used with photoshop, Irfanview, Imageready, and other most popular photo editing software. Download simplifier plug-in from any of the below links Extract the files from copy the SimplyFair.8bf file into plug-ins folder of the image editing software . For Photoshop - C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop 6.0\Plug-ins For Photoshop CS2- C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS2\Plug-Ins\Effects For Irfanview - C:\Program Files\IrfanView\Plugins\Adobe 8BF Example, Open the image in the irfanview, irfanview -> image menu-> effects ->Adobe 8BF filters->add 8BF filters (select the simplier folder) -> start selected filter -> set radius as 7 Re... - creates Photos as 3D Image - An Ultimate 3D Image Editor by Microsoft Did u remember the movie Blade Runner, where Deckard explores a photo in 3D to find a clue? Now it becomes reality. * It gives life to static images . Allowing you view 3D images of your photos . * View existing user created 3D images at the website . * Next leap in image processing , Microsoft allows you to view photos in 3D. * It provides software , which can be downloaded from their website . You can use it create the 3D images of the place you visited and show it your relatives, friends and family members .

Natural way of avoiding mosquitos and other insects

1. Use Red or Yellow night lamp or zero watts bulb - to get rid of mosquittos and insects. I had used it, it is really effective.

Saving money for Indian Middle class family buying tips

For Indian Middle class family... 1. Buy 500 ml or more for any item instead of buying 50 ml, 100 ml . example: Buy Dettol 500 ml cost Rs.58 Dettol 100 ml cost Rs.15. for 500 ml = ( => 5 *100 ml = 500 ml = 5*15 = 75) Savings 75-58 = Rs. 17 2. It holds for all other items like hair oil, toilet cleaners, soaps, baby items like baby powder, baby soap, baby oil etc etc2. 3. For hair oil, don't buy bottles. Buy bottle once, and then buy refill packs , which saves you lot of bucks. Example: Johnson baby oil - 50 ml - bottle - Rs. 42 Johnson baby oil - 50 ml - pouch - Rs. 21 Savings by buying pouch = Rs. 21